What we can do about toxic stress
What we can do about toxic stress? From Surviving to Coping to Resilience

What is COVID-19 and How Does it Relate to Child Development?
What is COVID-19? and How Does it Relate to Child Development?

Victor Kouratovsky op CCE Podium
We zijn allemaal cultureel ‘ingewikkeld’ – Victor Kouratovsky op het CCE Podium

Knowing when to act
Calligraphy especially made for ExpatPsy by Tiehan Leng, Beijing.
Expatica Article: experience with diverse people from all over the world
December 2016; Dr. Victor Kouratovsky, a certified clinical specialist, discusses his experience with diverse people from all over the world with varying backgrounds, upbringing, culture, and personal histories in different countries. In my understanding of the importance of culture, cultural background, and the effects of a migration from a mental health perspective, I coined a […]
expat psychology: current scientific activities
February 28 2016; Focusing on expat psychology the current scientific activities dr. Victor Kouratovsky is involved with are very interesting and worthwhile. Studies: cognitive effects of illiteracy language and psychopathology SES and psychopathology guidelines for culturally sensitive psychological assessment in collaboration with Nina Kamar: further development of a Culturally Sensitive Therapeutic Parental Interview idem checklist […]
membre du Réseau Mondial de Pratique Clinique (RMPC)
Cher/Chère collègue, Merci pour votre participation en tant que membre du Réseau Mondial de Pratique Clinique (RMPC) aux Études de Terrain par Internet concernant les Troubles Mentaux et du Comportement de la CIM-11. Votre collaboration nous aidera à nous assurer que le prochain manuel diagnostique ait une utilité clinique et une précision maximale dans […]
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