Islam and mental health – Islam et santé mentale

Islam and mental health. Book review of: L’Islam en anthropologie de la santé mentale. Théorie, ethnographie et clinique d’un regard alternatif. Abdelwahed Mekki-Berrada (Ed.) Freiburger Sozialanthropologische Studien. Berlin : Lit Verlag, 2010. (200 blz.) ISBN 978-3-643-80052-7 Appeared in 2011 in: Medische Antropologie / Medical Anthropology. 23 ( 2 ). This publication represents an investigation of […]

oktober 26, 2015 0 comment
Sinbad Award

8 October 2015, Utrecht Victor Kouratovsky is awarded the Sinbad prize by the Dutch Institute of Psychologists in recogniton of his fundamental contributions to intercultural  psychology. Sindbad onderscheiding 2015: Dr. Victor G. Kouratovsky, Laudatio Geachte aanwezigen, heel in het speciaal de laureaten en hun familie, collega’s en vrienden, Lite Linssen, voorzitter Intersector en lid algemeen bestuur van […]

oktober 8, 2015 0 comment
Masterclass interculturele psychiatrie en jeugd-ggz

28 may 2015 EIF sponsored Masterclass interculturele psychiatrie and jeugd-ggz for vulnerable migrant youth included the ExpatPsy presentations [in Dutch]:      culturally sensitive psychiatric diagnostics for children & adolescents Part 1 Cultural limitations culturally sensitive psychiatric diagnostics for children & adolescents Part 2 Self regulation, stress, and Envelopment culturally sensitive psychiatric diagnostics for children & […]

mei 28, 2015 0 comment
membre du (RMPC) and (OMS)

Membre du Réseau Mondiale de Pratique Clinique (RMPC) de l’Organisation Mondial de la Santé (OMS) L’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé Département de la Santé Mentale et des Toxicomanies reconnaît que Victor Kouratovsky a participé à l’Étude de Terrain par Internet Participation concernant la CIM-11 – Troubles de l’Alimentation et des Conduites Alimentaires – Usage des […]

0 comment
(Self-)Regulation problems: from infancy to adolescence and beyond

November 6th 2014 Dr. Victor Kouratovsky presented for employees of the International Criminal Court. Infants and children can be difficult to regulate and problems can persist into adolescence and adulthood. Sleeping, eating, negative mood and handling frustration, complying to rules and social adjustment, being attentive and motivated to do well, are all aspects of self-regulation.Raising […]

oktober 5, 2014 0 comment

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